President’s Welcome

Welcome to a new year of Grange Lecture Society’s TEN TALKS, which starts in October 2024 and will end in March 2025. It will be our 116th year, meeting as always at the Victoria Hall in Grange Town Centre. We gather at 7pm for a 7.15pm prompt start. We are holding our membership fee at £46 again for the season (with entry on the night for one-off Talks at £10).

Last August we organised a free promotional evening to bring in new members, especially as, post covid, we had lost a lot of members. It worked really well. This year with the support of the Victoria Hall helping us with a low cost use of the hall for the evening (thank you), we shall be repeating a similar event on TUESDAY 20th August at 7pm for 7.15 start. There will be no charge for this event, with drinks including wines and light snacks and a short talk by one of our local speakers. Tables will be set out informally to encourage our audience to circulate and engage in conversation with each other.

Our treasurer will be on hand with his card reader and cash box to sign up new members. So, a great chance for you to sign up for the season, or buy a ticket as a gift for a friend.

Our programme secretary Richard has now completed signing up the speakers for the season. He will be providing us with an eclectic mix which we hope will appeal to as wide an audience as possible. In our main programme we will have speakers from the Royal Horticultural Society, the Lake District National Park and films from bygone days from Cumbria Film Archive. We will also learn how to set a world record cycling around the world on a tandem!

If this is not excitement enough, we also have a bonus talk on the benefits and joys of DARK SKIES by Jack Ellerby – so please save the date of September 24th. Jack is courtesy of PEAT who have paid our overheads for this date; many thanks to Barbara Berry for this generous offer.

I urge all our existing members to rejoin and preferably bring along friends and visitors to join with you. This century old society can give all who attend a way of brightening evenings through the winter months, taking you out to be sociable when it is all to easy to just sit by the TV. You will benefit physically and mentally, for little more than the cost of a glass of wine.

We welcome your input into the programme – please email us or phone should you have a connection with a speaker who could enrich our future programmes.

Kind regards,
Peter Ratcliffe